Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Search engine optimization misuse consequences

Search engine Optimization is  making the website search engine friendly in the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing according to the keyword the end user type in the search box.

Seo is the best for getting ranking to the website through a keyword but some people misuse seo. For suppose this blog is about seo updates.So if we type the related keywords of this blog then this blog should appear but now a days people are misusing this seo concept with unrelated and popular keyword.

recently a popular issue has been taken place. Bharat matrimony has a good ranking in the search engines so shadi matrimoney has used the keyword bharat matrimonry. So whenever people have typed bharat matromonry keyword in the search box of the search engine then the website has been apearing. this became a big issue and bharat matrimoney people has filed a case on the people.

This kind of misuage may leads to cyber crime and mis conceptions

my kitchen news

technical set up
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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pay per

The throat sighs!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

how to submit website or blog

To submit , browse

After clicking on Add url the below screen appears.

Now enter you website url and click add url.

There fore your website got submitted

submit your website or blog in Google

To submit your website or blog in Google.
Just browse
then fill the url , description and then type the image word.then click on the submit.

 Therefore your website got submitted in Google.

I hope you all understood if you have any kind of doubts you comment over here or mail me at 

How to submit your website or blog in yahoo

To submit website or blog in Yahoo. we should submit that in yahoo explorer 

when you browse the above link the blow screen appears

After signing in . the below screen appears.

Just fill the url box with the website you want to submit.Then click on Add my site.
There your website got submitted in yahoo search engine.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Submit website or blog in Exactseek Search Engine

To Submit your website or Blog in Exactseek. Then click on New member.

Fill all the details then click on sign up.

A mail will be sent to the mail id you have given while signing up. 
Just open that mail id and confirm the sign up by clicking  on verify member.
After clicking on verify member then the confirmed website opens.

So now click on Add url.

Just login .

Now click on freelisting

just give your url and click on add listing.

Therefore website or blog got submitted.

I hope you all understood. If you any kind of doubts you can comment over here.

Submit website or blog in Bing webmaster

To submit website or blog in Bing webmaster use this link.
Then this appears

We should just fill the 2 options that is characters and the url. then click on submit url.
then this appears

There fore website got submitted.

How to submit your website or Blog to Dmoz search engine

Dmoz is also a Search Engine and also most comprehensive human reviewed directory.
This is a open directory and there is no need to register and login.
Actually my website is
So this website is related to computers and technology. So select a category of computers. then computer science.
Now click on computer science.
then the below screen appears.
Now click on directories.
Then computer directories will appear.

Now click on suggest Url which is at the top of the website and 5th option.

Then a form appears.

therefore fill all the details and your website in the above form.then click on submit.
There the website has been submitted to
You can submit any kind of website according to its category by following the above specified method.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How to submit your website or blog in Alexa

Alexa is a best traffic search engine.

To submit your website in Alexa:
Get register in it and confirm it with the mail you get from it.
Claim you website by entering your website in the claim box.

now click on claim. Then verification of the blog option appears.
Now  there are two verify options.
Its better to prefer second option verification.
In the second option verification alexa has provided a meta tag code. which we should add in our blog.
Let us see how to add the Alexa provided meta tag.
Just login in to your blog. then goto design or layout < edit html.
Then code of the blog will be appeared. you search for <head >tag and paste the alexa meta tag code below it then click on save.
Then come to the alexa and click on verify meta tag.
Then we can see 2 options again  that is
1. edit your site listing and
2. Drive you more traffic.

Let us see these both in detail.
1.edit your site listing

In this option you can give all the details and your details by filling the form. So that our website will be visible in the Alexa with our related information in details. After filling all the details click on save.
now let us study about option number 2 that is
2. drive traffic more.
By click this option there will be appearing three steps. Enter your website address in the step 1 box and click ok. then the about screen appears. there fore the website is submitted. no need to review it by step3.

Get Traffic through Search Engines

For increasing traffic to your website and blog , submit your websites or blogs in Search engines.
there are many search engines.
Some of the important search engines are:
1. Alexa.
2. Dmoz.
3.What you seek.(paid)
4. Msn
5. Alta vista(paid)
6. Extract seek
7. kanoodle(paid)
8. National directory(we cannot submit)
9. All the web(paid)
10. Excite
11. Live
13. Aol
15. Lycos
16. Searchlt
17. Ask
18. Google
19. Looksmart
20. Webcrawler

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to submit your blog in Technorati Blog search Engine is a blog search engine which is competing with Google search engine and yahoo.Every day, every minute, every second number of visitors search for information.

If you register your blog in this blog search engine there will be a huge chance of getting visitors to your blog. This will increase blog rank.

We can submit only blogs in the Technorati blog search engine.

The specialty of this is whenever we update your blog then your blog gets updated in this blog search engine.

Now let us learn how to register and submit your blog as recently many changes have been taken place in this search engine.

step - 1 : Open or browse the technorati blog search engine .

Step - 2 : Now get register in it

step - 3: After registering , click on your account name which is nearer to the logout.

Step - 4: Then come to " status claim" option box which is at  most below the website.
               Now paste your blog url  in status claim box and click on claim.

step - 5 : Then a form appears in which we should fill blog details like title, url , feed url, description, category                         .              and keywords.

Here give a best title of your blog which includes keyword related to your blog.
Url is the link to browse your blog.
Feed url is rss feed. For example :
Description - Few lines about your blog.
Category - the blog related to which field.
Keywords - the related keywords of the blog.

step - 6 : Click on process next step which is at the at most below of the website  as we can see it in the 
               before screen shot.

Step - 7 : Finally your blog is submitted.

After submitting. You will be getting a mail from technorati blog search engine. Technorati token code will be there in that mail.This is for our blog verification. The technorati people want to verify whether the blog which we submitted is ours or not. What we should do is , just copy that technorati token and past as a post in your blog. So when technorati people verify they will find the token in your blog update in technorati search engine and then they will be listing your blog in their listing.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Plan to get Best traffic to a website

Getting Traffic to a website is very difficult till we to get it. So we should plan in detail to get traffic.
Now we are going to learn to get traffic through Link building.
Let us perform the first step of Link building.

So we need to prepare a set of data that is url, title , description and keywords. so that we can submit in the directory.

therefore here  Url means the website name which we want to submit.

title is which tells about our website

description is which tell about our website in detail.

keywords are the words which we type in the search engine box.

Before preparing this data, we have to take of keywords. so first we need to think like a user. that is if you will for the information contained in your website then how you search. so those will be the keywords.

so Title should contain main keyword.

description also should contain keyword. but coming to keywords - we can write as many possible keywords 

For example our website is
So we have to perform linkbuiding by using DIRECTORY SUBMISSION task.
We will prepare the set of data to submit our website in directory submission

Url –

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So now type DIRECTORY CRITICS in Google search engine. You will find free directory website. we need to submit this above prepared data and website in those websites.

I hope you understood this task. If any doubts just let me know in your comments.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Latest seo changes in 2011

There are many changes took place in SEO - Search Engine optimization. As they were many changes have been made in Google search engine. Most of the search Engine Optimizers prefer Google as best search engine especially for seo - search engine optimization.

First let us see the the list of changes in Google search Engine.
1. Google Instant.
2. Google place
3. Google hotpot
4. Google swap
5. Google Bridge
6. May day update
7. Lost of long keyword for keyword ranking and traffic.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

How to submit our website to Google webmaster tool

Submitting your website to Google webmaster tool:
Don’t type directly
Type Google webmaster tools in the Google or type directly then login with your Gmail account details then add url then it shows not verified then click on not verified then click on dashboard then verify.
Sitemap for blogger:
Rss.xml and Atom xml
Sitemap for website:
Sitemap will be shown when the shown code place in your website after header tag.
If it is blog then we can place that code through layout.
If it is website then we can place the code through dream weaver or some other tools which are used for source code editing.

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Website analysis for performing seo

Website are unique and in different form. Especially for seo that is search engine optimization. This is much helpful for online marketer, business owner and advertisers. Search engine optimization is essential for boosting the products, services and the website. Seo will be successful with good website which is seo friendly. For effective seo the website must be fixed and improved. Analyze which page is mostly crawled as every page is the gate of visitors.

The website should be well organized navigation setup. For performing seo effect fully then the website content should be set with good keywords and the title should be reflected with the keywords. We should analyze domain name of the website that whether it contain keyword phrases or not which gives high rank in search engines like Google, yahoo and MSN. These three search engines are the important search engines.
                These are a tool named Grader. This tool helps us in analyzing the website completely every aspect that is the keywords density, the technology used for programming the website, the navigation setup of the website, the popular keyword, most of the keywords used by the visitor for this website appear in search engines, number of visitors, page rank and number of back links.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Keyword Analysis

keyword analysis is in both onpage and off page, as search engine optimization totally depends on Keyword analysis concept. 
                        In Onpage optimizarion, we come across keywordanalysis in meta tags. the keywords related meta tag is also known as meta keywords.There is no praticular size and limitations.Before displaying keywords in the meta tag we need do keyword research and enter them in the meta tag. For getting keywords, we need to assume ourself as a enduser so that we can find correct keywords for the particular website. 

                       we come accross keyword analysis in the Onpage optimization step by step process in competitor analysis. while performing onpage optimization, first we need to decide for which keyword we want to perform seo, and we should check which website is competor to our webstie and why it is competor.So while doing onpage optimization we need to do keyword analysis 2 times. once while analysing the competor website and then performing seo to our website.

                             Keyword analysis first should prefered to do manually, then only should goto keyword analysis tool. there are 2 types of keywords.
1.Long keyword 
2.short keyword.

1. Long keyword: 
Long keywords are phrases, we can obtain result in short period of time. these keywods will be less in popularity.
2.short keyword:
Short keywords are very popular, they cannot be gained in short period of time. the time for obtaining result will be according to its popularity.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

On Page Optimization

Meta tag development

Meta tag is Html tag that describes the content of the webpage.
There are Meta tags:
1.       Title
2.       Description
3.       Keywords

1.       Title :
Title should have 53 characters size. Keywords of the website must be used in the title. The title tag text is the first information about your website that users view. So the title should not contain only keyword, it should also be informative and attractive. So users get attached and click on your link and navigate to the website. The title will be displayed at the top in blue bar at your website. If the size of the title extends then the title will not be much attractive and after 53 characters if still the title exist it shows in the doted form (….).
<Title> Text </title>
While implementing change char to UTF-8

2.       Description:
                Description can also call as Meta description. The characters size in the description must be 160.    Meta description tag is the description of a particular webpage. Title and description should contain keywords, information about the website in brief which should be in a attractive way so   the users get convinced to view the website.
                                Meta Description is more important. Most of the search Engines display information from the Meta Description tag in their search results of this tag is present on a page and if its content matches the content of the page and search query or keyword . If the description character exceeds 160 then it shows the characters after 160 in doted format (…..).Description must have appropriate keywords to the webpage.
<Meta name = “description” content=”     Text”>

3.  Keywords:
We can also call it as Meta keywords. It has no particular character size. We can adopt how many we want. But we need to do keyword analysis or research. We need to check the popularity of the keywords.
 For writing keywords assume yourself as a user, and then you will get correct keywords for the website. This Meta tag is useful to specify keywords.
<Meta name=”keywords” content = “      “ >

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Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is getting visibility and popularity for a particular website to appear in top 10 websites. It may be any search Engine, But most of the optimizers prefer Google search engine because it is the best among the entire search Engines.  Google index the website in a very short period of time. Seo depends on keywords. Most of the people do not know about keyword over here. The words which we type in the Search Box of search engine are known as keyword. For example: if you are searching for a jobs website, then you will type jobs. The top 10 job websites will be appeared in Google first page. The first website will be So if we type jobs in Google Search Box appears at the first position in Google. This is the main concept of Seo.
For performing Seo to a website which is not at created, we should take care from the domain name itself. When we want to have a website, we need to select a domain name which suits the concept which you want to keep in the website and the domain name should be in the keyword form. This is making Domain name search engine friendly. Now we should have the body of the website that is internet space which is nothing but webhosting.
Now the WebPages should be designed. While designing there should not be spaces in the url, so that the url should be in search engine friendly. If there are spaces, then it will consider the spaces as underscore. But having underscore in the url are against search engine optimization. This leads difficulty in performing seo for the webpage. Using question mark while programming is not search engine friendly.

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